
发布日期:2022-08-04 浏览次数:93

下架封存、退货的问题奶粉需要集中销毁,在严格规范执行《关于进一步加强婴幼儿配方奶粉质量安全工作的意见》等相关文件规定的基础上, 帮助企业了解相关政策并指导后续处置流程,第一时间进行现场核验,仅用半天时间便完成全部不合格奶粉的销毁审批手续,减少了企业后期 库存等相关费用。由于单纯奶粉无法燃烧,焚烧厂把一箱箱的散装奶粉与生活垃圾掺和后一起焚烧,生成的渣末将被压制成用于建筑的砖块。

The defective milk powder removed from shelves and sealed or returned shall be destroyed in a centralized manner. On the basis of strict and standardized implementation of the Opinions on Further Strengthening the Quality and Safety of Infant Formula Milk Powder and other relevant documents, It helped enterprises to understand relevant policies and guide the subsequent disposal process, conducted on-site inspection as soon as possible, and completed the approval procedures for the destruction of all unqualified milk powder in only half a day, thus reducing the later period for enterprises Inventory and other related expenses. Because milk powder alone cannot be burned, incinerators mix boxes of bulk milk powder with household waste and incinerate them. The resulting slag is pressed into bricks for construction.

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